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Skin and Body
Certain times of year, you may feel your body and skin responding to the seasonal change. Your body may just looove a certain time of year and flourishes (hair, skin, etc) and other times struggles (dryness, oiliness, patches etc.). This may also change due to stress, environment, diet and other factors too!
Horse Playing with Your Food
I am a big advocate of playing with your food. We've got to make it fun, right?! I also enjoy eating for the seasons. We are lucky to have strawberries in season here in FL! I made a delicious Strawberry Simple Syrup with raw honey, cinnamon, lemon balm and lime. I like to keep some version of this on hand to add sweetness to drinks, yoghurt and other tasty treats.
Strawberry Simple Syrup |
On another note, I took Rosemary, mashed it lovingly with my fingers, put it in an empty bottle and added olive oil to cover it. This rosemary olive oil is used to flavor food but you may also drizzle a little in your palm and condition your hair.
Rosemary Infused Olive Oil |
A week later, I roasted butternut squashed and drizzled the rosemary infused olive oil, yum!
Roasted Butternut Squash with Rosemary |
One evening, I decided it was time to give myself a nourishing mask. I wanted/needed something to assist with the little bit of dryness I was experiencing, mainly due to the weather this time of year in FL, cool and dry. Since I had some butternut squash leftover and the simple syrup, I was drawn to combine them for the perfect deluxe moisturizing (in-home) facial.
Honey, Strawberry, cinnamon, lemon balm, butternut squash, rosemary, olive oil |
I took a little of each and mashed them together in a 1/1 ratio. Check out the vibrant colors! Honey is a great antibacterial and has many benefits for the skin, hair and body! Rosemary is good for circulation. Lemon Balm has antiviral properties. Strawberries aids in ridding the skin of dead cells. The orange color of butternut squash is a good indicator that it contains beta carotene, Vit. A, which helps to fight wrinkles and balance the ph of your skin and cells. Lime is a natural preservative. Eating these foods are important, however, if you have some leftovers and are feeling a bit sassy, feel free to give it a try and see how your body and/or face feels. My skin is pretty neutral so I'm okay using herbs and foods that may be slightly drying or oily although I was using the butternut squash in this creation to nourish the face in a moisturizing way. The rosemary is often used for dry skin and lime, lemon balm and strawberries for oilier skin. But in this situation, I was comfortable with a little of everything!
Look at the pretty heart! This happened organically! |
After applying it to my face around the eyes, neck and hands, I relaxed with a cup of tea and enjoyed the moisturizing and tightening experience over the next 20 or so minutes. I suggest relaxing and feeling what's going on as it changes during the duration while these organic foods and herbs set into your skin on a cellular level. I love feeling this and the energetic movement around the face.
Chillin' with my facial, tea and amethyst & rose quartz necklace
Then, I rinsed with lightly warm water, pat dry and felt fabulous! Seeeeee?
Fabulous feeling skin and a happy camper!
Maybe you will find some serendipitous goodies in your fridge or pantry to blend together. Sometimes I'll sneak a quick facial in while I'm making some food such as smashing avocado on my face when making guacamole. So, although I enjoy the zen time and feeling and guiding the inner workings of the natural products, I know we get caught up in our busy worlds, and any way to sneak it in is just perfect!
Cheers to happy, healthy and radiant skin! |
Body and Mind Enrichment. A unique way of exercising your body and mind!
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