Early in 2003, I noticed a pain in the upper part of the right side of my back that I knew wasn’t muscular. After noticing other changes over the next few months, I eventually, was unable to keep any food down. My body seemed to be rejecting anything I put in it. The digestive disorder diagnosed as Ulcerative Colitis (UC) was emotionally and physically challenging. I tried many things such as changing my diet to a baby food diet like applesauce and rice, fasting or juicing (I was tired of being sick when I ate so I could wave the white flag and not eat!), elimination diet and medication. Originally, I did see 2 gastrointestinal doctors who gave me the same treatment - lots of medication for the rest of my life and no spicy foods. Well, they were wrong in both respects. One actually discussed the option of taking part of my colon out! Needless to say, that was the last time I saw a GI doctor. After the help of Patrick Purdue, DOM and board certified and further educated in Homeopathic and Naturopathic Medicine, along with my own discipline, I have been symptom free for years. I live on The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (google it). He was the first of many who I have been fortunate to meet and have helped me along this journey.
Lower back said “talk to me!”
I still am learning. For example, recently my lower back on the left side started to 'talk to me' towards the end of the day. Then, on occasion, I could feel on my right foot at the end of the day, the arch would 'talk to me' - like a very subtle Plantar Faciatis. This is minor to what I have experienced the past few years but I realize now, it's time for a new pair of shoes!! After 2 years of struggling with flair ups, I finally got the ulcerative colitis under control and symptom free. However, soon after, I began experiencing more physical discomfort (one is related to the other). Yes, I will admit, because of my line of work as a Pilates and Personal Trainer and group instructor, I did too much to my body. But, I also have realized that the physical pain and the illness correlated. The past two years, I have spent trying to relieve my physical pain which at one point hindered me from taking my dog out for a walk! I have tried many different treatments from rest (in many different ways) including no exercising to more 'energetic' avenues (Qi Gong, energy and meditation classes with Cathleen Miller and Elasa Tine Marie Tiernan), physical therapy and chiropractics at Impact Health and Performance, Acupuncture and Herbs where I met, Linda Nash Stevenson of Lifeforce Acupuncture in Clearwater, FL, Bob Linde of Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies in St. Pete, FL. Others that I have met include Lisa Merrit of Gucci Acupuncture in Trinity, FL and Herbalist Rose Kalajian and more.
What is Structural Integration?
Over the last eight months, I have been receiving body work treatments called Structural Integration. It is a series of body work, each in sequential order addressing the inner layers of the body beginning from the feet to your cranium then integrating your body to its new structure. Hence the name Structural Integration. As your body responds, the sessions become more tailored to your specific needs or wears and tears. I have seen such a difference however, recently feeling the back pain has made me scratch my head and with my pointer finger and say hmmm. I think it may be time for some new shoes! I have seen, over time, the changes of my feet patterns, knees, hips etc. There was a point when I felt more comfortable in only one specific shoe (it didn't matter if I had to get dressed up-- I was the girl in a skirt and sneakers). Now, my feet are actually happier bare naked and closer to the earth!
Alignment and The Healing Process
When your body is properly aligned and moves more efficiently, it allows you be more aware, your organs room to breath, feel lighter in your body, and clearer in your mind. Being in the fitness and wellness industry, I, myself, have been very diligent with the healing process. Pushing to test limits yet patient enough to give my body time to respond. I am a Pilates Instructor at The Pilates Loft in Clearwater, FL and have been using the equipment to help 'rehab'. At one point, even leg circles would bother me after the fact. I was experiencing everything from heel pain, hip and sciatic pain at the young age of 34, with knee and shoulder discomfort. The Structural Integrative treatment has helped me in many ways. As I come to my final treatments (I had lots of issues!), I will be writing more about this body work by Marcia Nolte in St. Petersburg, FL and how it has made an impact on my body.
Your Resources For Wellness Can Start Here!
Health and wellness, from the inside out, is at your fingertips.
Dig deep and you will enrich your body and mind!
Along my journey, I have learned about so many unique ways of practicing and experiencing wellness. Joe Millen, in a league-of-his-own physical therapist specializing in manual resistance therapy and Pamela Horrigan, Nutritionalist and Chiropractor both of Impact Health and Performance in Palm Harbor, FL are two others who helped care for my 'wellness'. Sheila Dean-Ruffing, Registered Dietitian and Nutritionalist, also provided me with a tremendous amount of information and knowledge. I have received sessions from Sharin Lee Cerniglia of Points of Wellness specializing in non needle approach Japanese style acupuncture, Anisha Durve of Nirvani Health specializing in Acupressure, yoga (where I did my first restorative yoga session) and Ayurveda treatment, Katie Coffin of Pathways Hypnosis. If you are interested in learning more about 'complementary' or 'alternative' treatments, check out the groups page and forum to ask questions and learn. There are so many talented and educated people named in this site and all around us! My journey, having its highs and lows, brought me to begin this community of holistic health. Please take a few minutes to play around in the site and become more comfortable communicating. Remember, no question is a silly one because chances are, someone else may be wondering too! Ask a question in the forum, add to or check out the calender of events or begin a conversation about something awesome that happened to you that we need to learn and hear about. I look forward to learning and sharing with each of you. Enrich your body and mind!
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