Thursday, October 18, 2012

Incident Report

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The Incident
One year ago today, someone rear ended me.  I'd prefer to call him a boob but I also know that we all make mistakes. It was just unfortunate I suffered from one of his.  I could see he was not paying attention, however, I was behind a stopped vehicle and was unable to move from the situation.  Aside from what many think, I didn't tense up the neck. I hadn't been in a situation like this before and didn't realize how fast he was actually going or know the intensity of what was about to happen.  I did brace my core with the confidence that I would use those muscles as my 'breaks' when the s$#!t hit the fan (aka contact).  With my seatbelt on, the contact jerked my head back at first then flung it forward and hit the vehicle in front and jerked back for forward 2 more times until I could collect myself. I was shooken up but thankful that I could walk out of the car. The car was drivable just to get home and for the next 24 hours I just let my body absorb what had just happened. It was my husband's birthday so it put a little damper on any celebration.

The Experience
After 48 hours, the real pain kicked in.  This is where the learning and experiencing took place. Prior to this, I rarely ever got a headache, let alone a migraine. And hadn't had any cervical spine issues before. I pride myself on taking good care of myself and feeling strong inside and out but this was an extremely challenging experience (especially as a Pilates instructor and personal trainer for a living!).   The theme for the year (and will be in life moving forward) - gratitude!

I kept thinking I would be good to go in 4 weeks (little did I know!)  The first few, I felt like a bobblehead.  Over the next few months, taking a walk down the street was hit or miss because even lite jarring and pressure on the head from every step I took, would cause pain in the neck and head.  My appetite was minimal, I believe for a few reasons. Misalignment and/or trama to the cervical spine (for example a migrane) may make you nauseous.  My body was needing alot of rest to heal (physically and mentally) and food wasn't high on the priority list. The foods I did eat were soft foods. The less I chewed, the less pressure on my head.  And as always, I use food as medicine. It took about 6-8 weeks before I could begin to strengthen my core because earlier then that, I would feel it in my cervical spine and it would create pain in the head and neck (definitely something that I would avoid at all costs).  I developed  deeper knowledge to special populations in these cases or similar issues.  I taught my classes and clients verbally during that time too and very slowly began the strengthening process. First, my body had to begin the healing process before the strengthening.  It took some time to understand how you can strain muscles in your head like spraining an ankle but instead its you head! And it takes ALOT longer!

Back to Some Business
I was thankful for business at that time, but also wasn't looking to add onto my clientele for the first 4 months. I gave myself those months to relax, meditate, get treatment (2-3 times a week) and knew I would kick it into a higher gear in February knowing I had alot going on in March.  I was very mindful of my body, mind, spirit (and still am)!

My 'primary' practitioner through this process has been Patrick Purdue, DOM.  I got regular massages from Robin Bruce and on any given day, although it made me feel good, the massage may have been too stimulating on my head and would sometimes trigger a light headache for the rest of the day or following.  I had no idea how sensitive that area can be!  Occassionally, I would take Head and Neck Suppport from Planetary Herbals and liquid Traumeel drops in my water daily for joint and muscle pain.  I received acupuncture from Linda Nash Stevenson of Lifeforce Acupuncture.  My physical therapist, Joe Millen, of Impact Health and Performance is incredible and knows how I like to understand what's going on.   Other (spiritual treatments) I received occasionally were from Lisa Seward, Body Talk, Cathleen Miller of Nature Spirit Holistics and, currently, Nicole Longwell of Longwell Massage for lymphatic drainage, cranial and any other massage techniques my body needs and wants.  The first few months, the left side of my body suffered more of the trauma. Then, eventually the right side. (I am still working on it although much better).

Over time, I started walking longer distances with ample rest time (a day or two) for my 'head' to recover (more muscular, still seems wierd to me!).  I even realized, after my walks, using Dr. Bronner's Peppermint and Tea Tree Soap when showering was actually too stimulating for my head and caused more pain although other times it was healing. As I started to walk more brisk or add in a bike ride, I  would ice my head and neck after exercise.  Then, I began walking with a little pep in my step - I call it Dance Walking!  I began light strength training and adding in light movement on a trampoline, beginning with 30 seconds on a light bounce. When it was time to try jogging, I would begin with 15-30 second, very light, jogging with a walk. I would do that one or two times and allow my body to recover the next day or two and do it again. After a week or so, I would do 3-4 intervals.  Then, eventually the intervals were 30 secs, then 1 minute.  A very slow process because I didn't want to feel a headache!  As I increased my exercise and started introducing more movements (4 months later such as kicking the soccer ball around), I strained certain muscles that had never been an issue before. This, to me, was a weakness all around and a reminder how long it takes to heal.  I have learned to be very smart about pushing my body just enough, then allowing it to rest in order to recover.  Speaking of rest, it was challenging to rest on the part of my body that was in pain - my head!  Not sure how people with regular headaches do it, but my whole head would hurt and lying down didn't necessarily feel better.  At night, I had to sleep on my back with my head straight. I did invest in a Neck Roll Pillow - the best $10 I'd spent!  After about 8 months, I was able to sleep in other positions (on my belly with neck/head turned to one side!) however that pillow still used either for neck support or underneath my knees for back support.

The end of the story is, there is no end. I continue to be aware of my posture and alignment or misalignment and try to get some type of treatment before it happens or just as it surfaces.  Please be aware of YOUR posture.  You don't need to be in an accident to be out of whack! It could be your patterns and you may be unaware of them. Please be mindful of your body and mind from the inside out and grateful for every day!

Body and Mind Enrichment. A unique way of exercising your body and mind!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chasing an Illness Away

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Unfortunately, from time to time we are subject to catching a cold, flu, virus, bacteria, etc. Thankfully, mine are few and far between and typically quick to run its course.

Going down......
My most recent battle was a cold (I think... I was a little nauseous and didn't think nausea usually came with a cold).  It was somewhat brought upon myself - or at least I believe so. I was preparing to go out of town. It was a fun trip, however, I still didn't sleep well the night before (with excitement and anticipation of the long weekend) and worked hard the week of to get as much work done as possible. I know I was also around others that were sick over the weekend. My alcohol consumption was up a notch due to lots of celebrating at a wedding.  So, there you have it - multiple factors that suppressed my immune system!

Sore Throat
Before I even got home from the trip, I began feeling a scratchy throat (Sunday afternoon). I had hoped it was different atmosphere, weather (in GA) or anything other than being sick!  Thankfully, I brought white tea and had already consumed it throughout the weekend and came across some 'detox' tea.

The following day while we were driving home (Monday), it was confirmed that I officially had a sore throat - bummer!  I took a nap when we got home and began drinking tea with herbal goodness to sooth the throat, support the immune system, and assist with nausea. This helpful herbal tea included cinnamon, elderberry, ginger, sage and honey (multiple cups for the next 24 hours).  I did a warm salt water gargle (multiple times). Sometimes I'll add apple cider vinegar and honey to the salt water and if I have an herbal tea, I'll use that water instead of plain water. Thankfully, the sore throat dissipated by the next morning (Wed.).  However, it moved upward (I was thankful it was heading up and out instead of down in the chest although at the time I was darn uncomfortable).

Proper Food, Rest and Exercise
In the meantime, I was eating somewhat light (no dairy or heavy foods) going back and forth between warm soothing soups (from Natures Food Patch since I didn't take the time or energy to make it) and nourishing smoothies with homemade yoghurt (good bacteria), fruits (not too many), leafy greens and celery, ginger, honey and chia or hemp seeds.  I also took Buried Treasure ACF liquid nutrients to support the immune system and slowed down on exercise all week.  Priorities were proper rest, low stress (mentally and physically) and eventually some nice walks.

Up and Out
After the sore throat, it did seem to move 'up' around the head and (stuffy) nose as it was working its way out (Wed. and Thurs). At that point, I change my herbal tea formula a bit. I took out the cinnamon and sage and added peppermint.  Now, the tea was peppermint, elderberry, rosehips (Vit. C), ginger and honey.  During the day I would also add green tea to the mix!  The herbs help to support the immune system and shorten the duration of the cold/flu.  I also surrendered to one of my least favorite things, although very potent, the dreaded nose spray. Currently, the one I have includes colloidal silver but I know there are many other good ones out there.  Although it's one of my least favorite things to do, I'm willing to do it to get to the root of the issue at that particular time as I'm chasing the cold away.  I would do it a few times a day (morning, mid day and evening).  I also used my B Me Therapeutic Salve around rub it from my nose towards and around the ear, down the neck and up and out the forehead and crown of the head.  The B Me Therapeutic Lotion was rubbed on my feet and covered with socks overnight.

By Friday morning, I mentally prepared to teach an energetic cardio and weight class. I toned it down a notch for myself by using lighter weights and not as high intensity while still motivating the class. Again, I rested that evening so I could teach again another energetic class on Saturday (along with teaching other Pilates classes).  Over the weekend, I continued the herbal tea, water with lemon, ACF, and nose spray.  The following week I was able to carefully bump back up my exercise (no need to be in a major hurry, I have the rest of my life!) and continued to eat and rest well.

As you're treating your illness, remember -  you WANT your symptoms to change, just hopefully for the better. So, 'treat' it differently as it moves!

Body and Mind Enrichment. A unique way of exercising your body and mind!

Monday, October 8, 2012

What's buggin' you - cockroaches!

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This past Sunday was a day filled with getting down and dirty in the dirt. I have been prepping the soil all summer for the fall garden and today was a big day of planting new goodies big and small - plants and seeds.

Since I compost my scraps and encourage living organisms to assist with the natural process of breaking it down, it comes to no surprise that I come across a variety of critters.  I'm like a kid with dirt everywhere from my knees to face (without knowing it, of course!).  I love seeing the worms and get excited and thankful!

Yesterday, I when would come inside to take a break, I would respectively kick off my shoes (my converse just got demoted to gardening shoes) so I didn't track in dirt all over the floor (again like a kid, I've been known to track sand from the beach and dirt from the garden!).  As I was putting my shoes back on in the garage near the gardening stuff, I went to tie my shoe and saw what looked like could have been a stick or possibly an antenna coming out through my laces.  I wasn't sure if it moved because, again, I was putting my shoes on so it could have been my own toes wiggling around! I paused and decided to lightly pull the little stick from the top of my laces and sure enough it was connect to something and moving on its own!! I live in Florida so I immediately knew it was a cockroach. And mind you, I wasn't wearing any socks!  Again, I'm totally cool with crawling things but I didn't need to be sharing shoe space with one! So.....I immediately hopped up and (literally) kicked off my shoe in hopes the cockroach with crawl out.  Nothing happened.  I gave the shoe a light kick to stir things up a bit but apparently it was a safe haven.  After some prodding and coaxing I finally got the little guy out from my shoe but he ended up on his backside kicking around like a fish out of water. I put my shoe back on and tried to lightly flip him right side up.  He then proceeded to attach himself onto the front of my shoe with a pretty solid grip. I shook my foot around like I was doing the hokey pokey and once again he landed on his back kicking and screaming. We tried it one more time and he landed with another death grip onto my shoe!  Finally, with grace and confidence like the soccer player I am, I lightly volleyed him to his right-side-up dismount like a USA Gymnastic Olympian and we parted ways!

Again, I'm friendly and cool with many crawly things, but when they catch you off gaurd, it'll give you the willies!   Watch your back.....or the inside of your shoes in the garage!

Body and Mind Enrichment. A unique way of exercising your body and mind!